Women running in Middle Trail apparel
Woman running along field in Middle Trail apparel

Couch to 1 Mile

Training Program

A training plan for going from your couch to running 1 mile

Couch to 1 Mile Training Program

A free 5 week training program to help get you from your couch to confidently running 1 mile.

Ready, set, run!

Welcome to our Couch to 1 Mile Training Program!

We are so excited that you have set your mind on running 1 mile, and hope this training program gets you to your goals! Now, we all know that things can seem utterly impossible when you first start from scratch, but you can totally do this! This simple Couch to 1 Mile program is designed to help you go from your couch to comfortably and confidently running 1 mile.

This 5 week program includes a variety of workouts, including run/walk sessions, strength training sessions, walk sessions and rest days.

This program is flexible. Make it work for your schedule and listen to your body. If you need to move a couple of the workouts around, that is OK! Just remember that run/walk days should alternate with rest or walk days to help you recover from your workout. You can also cross train if you prefer - biking, yoga, pilates, swimming are all great workouts!

Tips, tricks and motivation!

Before you head out on your first run, make sure you have good running gear. We always recommend going to your local running store to get fitted for the right gear and running shoes. You can also check out our running blog for some of our favorite running shoes!

Running is a journey. It takes time, commitment and patience. Take training one day at a time. Remember that building endurance takes time. Each training day is a brand new day to tackle your goals. If you have a bad day, no sweat! We all have them. Shake it off, and look to the next workout as an opportunity to improve and get one step closer to accomplishing your goals! Be confident that you can do this!

Running should be fun! Celebrate your victories and reward yourself for all of your hard work!

Weekly Workouts

Warm Up and Cool Down

We recommend starting each workout with a 5-10 min. warm up walk to help get your muscles ready to move, and ending with a 5-10 min. cool down walk to help them recover. This is in addition to the workout.

Dynamic stretching during a warm up is important to help make sure your muscles are ready to go, and reduce your risk of injury. Static stretching after any workout will help your muscles recover so they are ready for the next session. Check out our exercise programs page for quick warm up and cool down stretches to include in your routine!


No workout on these days! Rest days are crucial to training. Your muscles and your mind need time to recover so you can perform week after week.


A run/walk session is as simple as it sounds. You simply run for the set distance, and then you walk for the set distance, and repeat for a total of 1 mile. These run/walk sessions are great for increasing your endurance. The goal is to build stamina and strength over time by alternating running and walking. As the weeks progress, the distance and time you run will increase, and the corresponding distance and time you walk will decrease.

Your pace during the run portion of these sessions should be comfortable. You should be able to hold a conversation for the duration of the run. Over time, you might find that your run pace gets faster - that is awesome, lean into it!

We find it easiest to do the run/walk workouts on a track so you know the exact distance you are running and walking. Each lap of a track equals 1/4 mile (or 400 meters), so 4 laps around is 1 mile!

Strength Train

Strength training is so important for women runners because it helps prevent injuries, enhance performance, promote better posture and running form, and makes us stronger, more efficient runners. Check out our exercise programs page for 20 min. at-home strength training exercises to include in your routine.


Time on feet is the goal here. Don’t worry about how fast you walk or how many miles you walk. Spending time on your feet is important for building your physical endurance.

The information provided in these resources are meant to offer generalized advice for the women's running community and is not a substitute for individualized medical and training guidance. Please make sure that you are cleared by your general physician before starting any new fitness program.