Buffalo, NY

Welcome to Middle Trail Running Club!

Saturdays 9am

SPoT Coffee (1406 Hertel Ave., Buffalo, NY)

Kickstart your weekend with a 3 to 5 mile run in one of Buffalo's iconic landmarks, Delaware Park. We start and finish the run at SPoT Coffee on Hertel. Whether you have been running for years or are just starting your running journey, join our free women's running club to have fun and meet new running friends! No RSVP necessary, just show up ready to run!

Middle Trail Running Club runs all year round, and in all seasons. Follow us on Instagram (@middletrailrunning) for the latest updates on our running club, and more events hosted by Middle Trail!

Middle Trail Women's Run Clubs. One woman running in front with three women running behind her on running path.
Middle Trail Women's Run Clubs. One woman running in front with three women running behind her on running path.