A group of five women runners laughing and running up a steep hill in Ellicottville, NY with their Middle Trail Running apparel on.
A group of five women runners laughing and running up a steep hill in Ellicottville, NY with their Middle Trail Running apparel on.

Resources curated to help every woman feel equipped and empowered on every run. From training plans and quick exercise guides for women runners, to stories about women runners who inspire us, to a running blog that provides tips and tricks from one woman runner to another, this community comes together to share a love of running.

Women's Running Resources

A women stretching before she begins her run on a Fall day as she wears her Middle Trail Running shorts and sage green t-shirt.

Training Plans & Guides

Training plans and quick exercise programs for women runners.

A close-up of a woman runner mid-stride, smiling in her light blue Middle Trail quarter zip.

Superhero Spotlight

A celebration of the amazing women in our running community.

A woman running on a wooded path on a Fall day in her Middle Trail Running blue shorts and blue quarter zip.

On the Trail

A running blog of stories and musings from one woman runner to another.