Strength Series: Plyometrics


In this video, we partner with Awaken Performance Rehab of Buffalo, NY to demonstrate a quick plyometrics training plan for women runners. Plyometrics is just a fancy word that means "jumping", but for women runners, incorporating plyometrics exercises into our running routine can be incredibly helpful to improve our balance and agility, make us more efficient and powerful runners, and decrease our risk of injury.

The exercise in this video is called a pogo jump, and works to toughen and harden the muscles and tendons in our lower legs. You will jump (1) up and down, (2) forward and back, and then (3) side to side over an imaginary line, for about 20-30 seconds at a time. The goal is to stay light on your feet and get off the ground as quickly as possible. As a progression and for more of a challenge, try these plyometrics exercises on one leg at a time.

Include this quick plyometrics training plan as a warm up to your strength training sessions to help elevate your heart rate and warm up your muscles.

At-Home Plyometrics

Incorporate this quick plyometrics training plan into your running routine.

At-Home Plyometrics

Incorporate this quick plyometrics training plan into your running routine.

Awaken Performance Rehab's logo which is a lion above their name "Awaken Performance Rehab"

Awaken Performance Rehab

Running, Sport and Spine Physical Therapy Specialist of Buffalo, NY

Led by Dr. Gregory Lowe, Awaken Performance Rehab helps athletes and active adults get out of pain, recover from injury, and AWAKEN their athletic and every day potential! They offer a range of services, including orthopedic and sports physical therapy, strength and conditioning, run gait analysis, and run coaching.

The written information and visual demonstrations provided in these resources are meant to offer generalized advice for the women's running community and is not a substitute for individualized medical and training guidance. Please contact Dr. Greg directly at Awaken Performance Rehab to discuss individualized rehab, strength training, and/or running coaching plans. Please make sure that you are cleared by your general physician before starting any new fitness program.